Hospital Digital Marketing Strategy

Integral platform with single dashboard to manage your web, digital marketing & appointments

Hospital Digital Marketing Strategy

Integral platform with single dashboard to manage your web, digital marketing & appointments

Solution for Small and Medium Hospitals

What is Hospital Digital Marketing?

Hospitals must have a powerful digital marketing strategy to promote hospital brand and to connect with potential patients. Your Patients are lost on healthcare directories. Gone are the days of having just simple website pages for hospital to be found online. Because of digital evolution, you need to do lot more than simple page of information to build a good online presence for your hospital growth. Hospitals and diagnostic centers need to create a collective presence on different media channels and your website need to be a nucleus to all these channels.

Why do Hospitals need Digital Growth Marketing?

Providing convenience, a clear understanding is that today most of the people are internet savvy and in short, your potential audiences are widely spread on different media channels. A proper hospital digital marketing strategy can build a consistent inquires or appointment booking to your hospital. Your programs or education about a specialty needs to be available on every other media channel to funnel an effective conversion for your hospital growth marketing strategy. 80 percent of patients conduct online research on healthcare providers referred to them. Patients want providers with strong online presence.

What are new trends of Digital Growth Marketing for Hospitals?

  • In-house Appointment Booking system which is device friendly
  • Upgrade your website for present trend
  • Conversational marketing having chat bots or inbound chat assistant
  • Today one of the most important value additions to digital marketing is video Marketing
  • Voice search feature is taking off in a big way, today increased adoption to Alexa or google home, have a better accuracy to match what you ask for.
  • Omnichannel marketing is must for your hospital digital marketing process across multiple platform of channels
  • Google, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram Ads
  • Understanding your audience desire at your venue with geo-targeted Location based ads
  • Personalized Email follow-ups

What are some common mistakes done by Small and Medium Hospitals?

Not choosing a professional expert to create your web presence

I have a friend or relative who can do it!

Not all professional is experienced to create a medical/hospital sector web presence

I don’t need a website presence for hospital

Under estimating an online presence can be a costly mistake

Some common mistakes done by Small and Medium Hospitals?

Not choosing a professional expert to create your web presence

I have a friend or relative who can do it!

Your Website provides information to users 24/7.

Not all professional is experienced to create a medical/hospital sector web presence

I don’t need a website presence for hospital

Under estimating an online presence can be a costly mistake

Easy-to-use Platform

What if we tell you? The downside of hiring full time web developer or specialist is solved, you hardly need a web implementation specialist on our code-less platform. Specialty specific website themes you can choose from or build your own theme, Service funnels, CRM, Appointment scheduler, email automation & analytics. Manage all web related activities under single login dashboard.

Simplified Solution

Most organizations struggle to get skilled developers with challenges to retain them.Some of you even hired web developer freelancers, but end up half done or not even close to launch your website live for various reasons. Praxiswiz solves you those problem with simplified solution to manage your Hospital web and digital marketing activities. You need a strong hospital digital marketing strategy to be noticed.

Growth Approach

Transform your practice to be highly professional, effective and efficient. Hospitals must create digital workflow, an online hub and a digital marketing plan that is successful. Doctors are trained in evidence-based practice, while administrators, managing director’s decision makers are aligned to implement a comprehensive hospital growth marketing strategy.

Tips to boost your Hospital Digital Growth Marketing

Narrow down individual specialties

Comprehend different ways to reach you audience

Do an analysis of different channels those are important for you and your hospital?

Focus on at least three channels which are most important to get to your audience

Supplement your site with social media profiles, blogs and other content

Have an in-house operator based online  appointment booking scheduler

Engage your potential patients with your next innovative campaigns

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